Bexley District – Cudham Shaws Outdoor Centre

Date: 22nd Feb 2022 Author: Luke Cashin

Bexley Scout District are delighted to announce that we are in the process of finalising negotiations with Trust for London to open Cudham Shaws Outdoor Centre in Kent, (formerly run by  Girlguiding LaSER) from this Spring.  Our own district campsite.


A warm welcome is extended to everyone interested in visiting the site and we shall be holding an Open weekend on 9 and 10 April.

We would be pleased if you are able to come and join us on one of these days (from 10 am to 5pm) to meet the team and to explore this wonderful site and to view what we can offer you and more importantly to receive your comments back as to what you would like.


With over 90 acres of unspoilt countryside, camping areas and indoor accommodation plus many covered buildings that can be used with the camping areas, we hope we have facilities that will excite you.

Activities on site to include Archery, Curling, Fitness trail, Grass Sledging, Shooting, Tomahawk throwing, Zip Line, Traversing, Human Sundial, Pioneering and more to follow including Aero ball and a Cave bus.

We very much hope all in Scouting and Girlguiding as well as other interested parties will come and support this great venture.


Cudham Shaws Outdoor Centre

144 Cudham Lane North, Cudham, Kent . TN14  7QT

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III