Explorer Scouts

About Explorer Scouts

What are Explorer Scouts?

Explorer Scouts are young people, usually aged between 14 and 18 years old. They make up the fifth Section of the Scouting family. Here young members may either start their Scouting experience or continue with it by adding to their experiences of fun and adventure. There are a number of Explorer Units within the Bexley District, some of which are attached to groups and some are standalone units. It is the intentions that these units are run by the members with guidance from adult leaders therefore Explorers have the opportunity to plan their own programmes, activities, events and camps. There is also a Young Leaders Unit and a unit that concentrates on the Duke of Edinburgh’s award.

What do Explorer Scouts’ do?

The Explorer Scout’s programme offers a balanced range of activities covering the outdoors; skills; physical recreation; community service; environment; international; values and relationships. Explorers have fun and extend the areas of responsibility that they are involved with. As well as these opportunities there is also the option of becoming a Young Leader (See information below)

To support the programme there are a range of badges and awards for the Explorer Scout these include:

Activity Badges


These are badges that can be gain for reaching a required standard in a particular field; there are 30 different badges available for Explorer Scout. These badges cover all sorts or activities including: air activities; community; creative; emergency aid; lifesaver; mountain activities; recreation; science & technology; scouting skills; nautical skills; and water activities. Click here for details.



Staged Activity Badges

These badges can be gained by any member throughout the sections, when they meet the level appropriate for that stage. There are 15 staged activity badges, they are shown here.



Chief Scout’s Awards

There are two levels of award Chief Scout’s Platinum Award available to members of the Explorer Scout Section: These are the Chief Scout Platinum Award, which is the next stage up from the Chief Scout Gold Award available to Scouts and the Chief Scout Diamond Award, which is the highest of the Chief Scouts Awards and the last step before the Queen’s Scout Award. Details can be found here.



Queen’s Scout Award

The Queen’s Scout Award is the top award in Scouting, it is available to members of the Explorer Scout and Scout Network Sections aged from 16 to 25. This award is designed to allow members to demonstrate all the skill and achievements they have developed through Scouting.

Explorers working towards the Queens Scout award my also work towards the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold award details of both awards may be found here: Queen’s Scout and Duke of Edinburgh’s.


Explorer Belt

The Explorer Belt is open to Explorer Scouts aged 16 and over and members of the Scout Network. Members take part in a ten-day expedition designed to allow those who take part to learn about a different country, the people who live there and their culture. Details are found here.



Young Leaders

Once registered as an Explorer, either in an Explorer Unit or a Young Awards available for Young Leaders Leaders Unit, you are eligible to take part in the Young Leader Scheme. As a Young Leader you may work with one of the younger Sections contributing to and helping with the running and planning of the section. To be a Young Leader you need to be registered as a Young Leader and undertake Young Leader training. The Young Leaders’ Scheme helps Explorer Scouts to develop and grow as individuals. It allows them to make a valuable contribution to their community and give service to others. The scheme also helps them fulfill the service elements of their other awards. Details can be found here.

Joining In

Whilst the majority of Explorers have previously been engaged in Scouting this is not a requirement to joining Explorers therefore if you are new to Scouting and looking to join for the first time, or just want more information, then send us an email at info@bexleyscouts.org.uk with your details, or your young persons, and we will be in touch.

Adult volunteers are always welcome in Scouting and if you would like to join us again send us an email and we will be in touch. All adults are fully vetted and all Leaders have a DBS clearance before being allowed to work with the younger members. Experience is not necessary as there are various training programmes for adults and we cannot all tie knots but have a wealth of experiences that can be used for the benefit of Scouting. So, be you young, or not so young, why not come along and join in the experience?

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III