About Cub Scouts
The Cub Scout section is for young people between the ages of 8 and 10½. The Cub Scout programme is packed with fun and adventure, and is designed to present every young person with new challenges and prepare them for when they become a Scout.
Each Cub Scout will have the opportunity to gain some of the various badges that are available, during their time in the pack. The top award in the Cub pack is the Chief Scouts Silver Award.
Following on from the Sleepovers in Beavers, Cubs will have the opportunity to spend more nights away from home either for weekends or in some cases longer. If this was not experienced in Beavers this may be their first time away from home without the family. Cubs normally camp on recognised camp sites either in buildings designed for pack holidays or under “canvas” but there will always be a building available to them in case of bad weather. Camps are used to expand the Scouting experience and to carry out activities that are not normally suitable for the normal meeting place. Here they can put into practice those skills they have been developing.
Cub Scouting began in 1916 as a result of the younger brothers of early Scouts wanting to join in the fun of Scouting. Baden-Powell decided to start a new section called the Wolf Cubs, which by tradition, has adapted ideas from Rudyard Kipling’s “The Jungle Book”. The concept of a wolf pack often features in ceremonies and Cub leaders have traditionally taken the name of a Jungle Book character.
Scouting has adapted and evolved over time and the Cub section has experienced a number of changes. In 1967 Wolf Cubs became ‘Cub Scouts’ and since 1990, girls have been allowed to join. More recently, a new uniform and programme were introduced to the section in 2002, as part of a major revamp of Scouting as a whole. The original objectives however, still remain and any young person who is a Cub Scout in the modern era is certain to benefit a great deal from it.
Within Bexley there are 41 Cub Packs so there is bound to be one near you. However Cubs are popular so it may not be possible to place you in the local pack. Beaver Scouts will normally move up through the group and they would move from the Beaver Section to the Cub Section. We are flexible and if the night the section meets is not suitable it is possible to change groups when you change sections with the agreement of all concerned.
Challenge Awards
There are 7 Challenge Awards available to Cubs Scouts. Gaining a Challenge Award involves accomplishing a number of more ambitious tasks within the Pack or community. The badges range across a number of themes, from the physical and outdoorsy to challenges dealing with the local community or issues connected with the Scouting world.
Activity Badges
There are currently 33 activity badges available which allow Cub Scouts to show their progress in existing pursuits, but also to try all kinds of new things and form new interests. As with the Challenge Awards details of the badges can be found here Activity Badges
Some activity badges are sponsored by outside companies, and these companies often provide extra exciting resource packs to help Cub Scouts towards gaining their badges.
Badges are completed either as a group activity within the pack or on an individual bases by agreement with the section leader.
Chief Scouts Silver Award
This badge is the highest award available in the Cub Scout Section.
It is gained by completing:
- Creative Challenge
- Community Challenge
- Fitness Challenge
- Global Challenge
- Outdoor Challenge
- Promise Challenge
Joining In
If you are new to Scouting and looking to join for the first time, or just want more information, then send us an email at with your details, or your child’s, and we will be in touch.
Adult volunteers are always welcome in Scouting and if you would like to join us again send us an email and we will be in touch. All adults are fully vetted and all Leaders have a DBS clearance before being allowed to work with the younger members. Experience is not necessary as there are various training programmes for adults and we cannot all tie knots but have a wealth of experiences that can be used for the benefit of Scouting. So, be you young, or not so young, why not come along and join in the experience?